Thursday, July 16, 2009

What % of your income per month are you able to save in your savings account ?

How hard do you find saving money ?
What % of your income per month are you able to save in your savings account ?
20% and you do it before you work out the rest of your bills. Think of it as the taxes taken out before you get your paycheck. Then build your budget and living expenses on the remainder. You worked for the money, pay yourself first! If you can, have it automatically deducted from your pay before you get your check.
Reply:15% goes directly to 401(k). Another 10% to purchase company stock. After that, maybe another 10-20%.

Secret: put the money away before it can spent, don't buy what I don't need.




sorry, you were saying something about SAVING money?!

I can't SAVE money, but it's OK

it can't save me either!

Reply:Every pay day the first thing i do is put back some money usually at least 20-30% if i can do more i do. I always put the money away in a savings account before i even start to pay my bills or anything that way i completely forget about it. Its kinda hard knowing i have money and dont really need to spend it but i like knowing that im not completely broke.
Reply:About 20% but not in savings accounts. Sure its difficult.
Reply:Well, 5 years ago it was 30% and I rarely dipped into it. Then a bunch of stuff happened (tech bubble in 2001, house burned down, son was in hospital for 18 months, divorce) and I used it up.

Now it is down to 5% between 401K, Roth IRA, stock purchase plan. I am hoping to take that back to 10% by the end of the year.

I am still paying off medical bills and stuff my ex wouldn't as well as student loans. The money would come in handy on a daily basis, but having an emergency fund is more important to me and I have learned to cut back. For example, payday is the 15th; I have about $20 cash to last the week, but have some food in the freezer and my car is gassed up. I need to go to the grocery store for some basics but have put that off for 3 days. My bills are paid, but this pay period there are no meals out, I normally buy my clothes at the thrift shop, and I am driving an older clunker. I brown bag it every day, use the library instead of buying books, and work at getting by. I moved so I drive 10 miles instead of 75 miles every day. Food prices are really getting hard to afford though, I have to be creative on being able to buy enough to eat for the family.

I work for a bank and we have an education program for high schoolers; one of the things we teach them in life skills is that you pay yourself first - put part of your income in savings before you touch it.

Having savings made a huge difference in my life when my son did get ill - I had the freedom to take off 3 years to help him get well, and could not have done it had I not saved in prior years. The end result is worth it - he is happy and well. I am somewhat poorer but my life is rich having him in it.

I don't put a lot into a savings account because the interest is so low right now - just enough to pad if an unexpected expense pops up.

I have a fairly aggressive investing strategy and monitor results periodically. Even in bad times, my return is above 10%; in good times it nets about 20%.
Reply:usd to be a good 20% but now im lyucky if i put a buck away each pay
Reply:15%, off the top, never notice it.

Add a % with raise each year, don't notice it.

Remember, pay yourself first!
Reply:0%, I did not have to speel check this answer.
Reply:I save about 35% if what I make into savings. Many people think that having a new car or buying a huge house are important things. Not working out seeing as foreclosures have gone through the roof. But I believe that If you don't get caught up in the consumption game then when you retire and you can retire, you can spend money. I would say that most people in the US are not going to be able to retire when they hit 65 and people if your not born before 1958 you will never see social security. START SAVING!! There are more important things in life then new clothes, and the newest gadgets.
Reply:when i lived at home with my parents i used to be able to save about 40-50% of my income. now that i live on my own im able to save but true
Reply:5% Very difficult! I live in Cali and my housing and food costs eat up every cent I have but I stash some away.

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